A short presentation
We are a church. God delighted in calling us to salvation and to be a part of the great host of men and women who belong to Him and serve Him. We feel part of the people God has purchased and we are a local expression of it in the city of Bologna. Our faith is personal, meaning that each one of us is called to respond to God’s grace personally. Our faith has also a communitarian dimension, meaning that God wants his children to live in communion with each other.
We are a Christian church. We are disciples of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Our faith is based on the person and works of Jesus and complies with the doctrinal heritage of classical Christianity.
We are a Christian Evangelical church. The Gospel is the good news about the Kingdom of God, announcing God’s redeeming grace to a creation fallen in sin. This message is the core of our being a church.
Historically we are Evangelical because we consider ourselves heirs to the Reformation, since it underlined the authority of the Scriptures above all other authorities and highlighted the absolute sufficiency of Jesus Christ’s work that can only be received by faith.
We are also heirs of the spiritual Awakenings of the turn of the 20th-century, which emphasized on the reality of conversion, on the universal priesthood of believers and on the necessity of a Christian life filled with the Holy Spirit.
As a Christian Evangelical Church, we gladly adopt the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith as the doctrinal basis for our church life. If you wish to download it, you may do so here .